Upon receipt of your $59 payment, you will be ordained online and receive a link to a short, fun video with brief and concise instructions on how to officiate at Weddings, Life-Cycles and Funerals.

Within 24 hours, you will receive a pdf of your Ordination Certificate as well as a Letter of Good Standing stating you are ordained as an “Officiant of Kindness and Compassion.”

Your online ordination is “spiritual but non-religious” meaning you are not a professional clergy-person but rather a kind and compassionate officiant.

Your ordination is legal almost everywhere throughout the USA only. Please check local City/State requirements prior to officiating at a wedding.

The ordination will be granted for one year and you will have the option to renew yearly.

Note: We reserve the right to revoke the ordination to anyone who violates our doctrines in any way or anyone who has engaged in illegal or immoral activities.

10% of all ordination fees will be donated to homeless shelters and food pantries.